Below are a few links to news articles regarding the spread and treatment of lice in Nebraska.
Healthy Heads in the News
1011 News Lincoln - Lice season starting to heat up
Lincoln Public Schools Lice News
LPS Changes Head Lice Lice Policy - Lincoln Journal Star Lincoln Public Schools students with head lice will no longer be sent home, a policy change in line with a 2010 American Academy of Pediatrics recommendation... LPS Lice Information- Head Lice Information Handout For Families
- LPS Head Lice Guidelines
- Head Lice Brochure
- FAQ Head Lice Guidelines
National Lice News
Super-strains of lice spread to 25 states: Are they in yours? -Today
'Super lice' outbreak hits 25 states -Fox News A strain of so-called ‘super lice’ has hit a reported 25 states, causing concern and frustration among parents because the bugs can’t be killed with most over-the-counter treatments. The treatments, known as pyrethroids, had a 100 percent success rate in 2000 against lice but now only work in 25 percent of cases
Super lice: What you need to know -USA Today Many children head back to school this week amid growing concern about super lice, or populations of the small parasitic bugs that have mutated and are now resistant to traditional over-the-counter treatment. USA TODAY Network looks at what you need to know about these mutated bugs...
"Super lice" a concern as kids return to school -CBS News Treatment-resistant "super lice" have been found crawling through children's hair in at least 25 states. As the new school year resumes, parents and schools are concerned the problem could spread....